Author: ddbarry


One more thing that could help you to start to live green is to begin walking a bit more.
Aenean nisl nibh, tempor at leo a, dapibus aliquet lorem. Pellentesque non ultricies velit. Duis sodales mattis feugiat. Suspendisse mi leo, efficitur eu odio sed, porta mollis urna.


Flexibility of positioning on different types of doors and corrosion resistance.

BPS series ball-shaped door lock (Elesa patent) is an innovative accessory for machine and industrial equipment protections, conceived and produced by ELESA+GANTER.

The lock consists of a clamp to be fixed to a frame and a ball to be fixed to a door. Both components are made out of technopolymer, which guarantees a special flexibility and corrosion resistance for the lock.

The clamp, in which the ball fixed to the closing door is inserted, is a mechanical stop device also to the door movement, thanks to its shape. The screws, that fix the clamp and the ball respectively to the frame and to the door, are identical. Thus, making the assembly easier.

To disengage the ball from the lock it is necessary to apply a release force up to 30 N. Under specific tests, the clamp showed constant performances for more than 20.000 cycles. The ball-shaped door lock has been conceived for use with both shutter doors and sliding doors. The minimum thickness for the profile suitable for use is 15 mm, while the distance between door and frame must be within 2.5 mm and 3.5 mm.

A kit of 5, 10 and 15 mm spacers is available on request to compensate possible differences in width between frame and door.

For more information, click here.